Wisconsin REALTORS® Association: The Paperless Agent Marketing Club


The Paperless Agent Marketing Club

Exclusive Group Benefits | Real Estate Marketing

 The Paperless Agent

So many real estate professionals get caught up in the details of getting their marketing “right” and keeping up with the latest updates, technology and best practices. But with the Paperless Agent Marketing Club (the Club), you now you have a powerful resource that makes it super easy and less time-consuming to stay current and succeed like never before. 

The Club delivers easy, convenient and consistent marketing training and done-for-you resources to get the maximum results out of your time and budget. As a WRA member, you have access to all of the Club’s premium features for its standard monthly fee.


Marketing agentID sites: These sleek, professional websites are the perfect solution for those who don’t have a website yet, or don’t have one that you have much control over. The Club publishes blog content automatically once a month and helps you create landing pages to generate leads and promote your listings.

Two training sessions each month: The Club offers two live group marketing sessions each month that cover a variety of tech-related topics, such as iPad for sellers, website strategy, lead generation, Facebook marketing for real estate, and much more.

Exclusive Facebook community: With over 4,000 agents in the Club, you’ll also have access to an engaged, encouraging and supportive community of like-minded individuals. Ask questions, share what’s working, refer clients and much more.

Marketing suite: You can now upload your database and email newsletters using the marketing suite included with your Club membership! 

Monthly digital marketing campaigns: Not sure what to share with your contacts? As a Marketing Club member, you get access to a brand-new campaign every month so you can stay connected with your contacts with all the latest real estate news.

Done-for-you resources: The Club’s marketing sessions come with done-for-you resources that complement the session. Training on generating seller leads? The Club gives you resources to host on your website to capture leads. With email sequences, customizable marketing pieces, scripts, checklists and more, the Club has you covered.

Your questions, answered: During the group marketing sessions, get your real estate tech questions answered by industry experts who have tested and proven the success of their systems! 

Upcoming webinars

The Club offers two live webinars each month. The webinars include marketing tips and best practices to grow your business.

Learn about the latest webinar and register: click here >>

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