Wisconsin REALTORS® Association: Shaping Wisconsin’s Future

Shaping Wisconsin’s Future

 Riley J. Barnhardt, WRA Political Advocacy Coordinator  |    September 03, 2024

We find ourselves in yet another election cycle, with Election Day quickly approaching on November 5. For Wisconsin residents, this cycle is different. New state legislative maps have brought us drastically changed districts, which forced legislators to shuffle to either remain in their district or face re-election in a different district. Twenty-eight districts feature races with no incumbents. Each vote this year carries extra weight, as the outcomes of this election will shape Wisconsin’s future for years. 

For REALTORS®, the importance of voting is even greater, as voting has transformed from a simple civic duty to a crucial business decision. The Wisconsin Legislature significantly impacts the real estate and rental industry by creating laws and regulations that impact property taxes, zoning, land use and much more. Electing or re-electing state legislators who are proven allies of our industry ensures that their future decisions support both the industry and Wisconsin residents. 

Key legislative issues

The real estate industry thrives on stability and favorable regulatory environments. When we elect legislators who understand our industry, we can ensure that the policies enacted will promote growth and sustainability — not stifle the market. For example, property taxes directly affect the affordability of homes and the attractiveness of communities. By voting for candidates who support fair property taxes, we can protect homeowners from disproportionate tax burdens while promoting community improvements.

Land use regulations play a crucial role in developing housing inventory. Legislators who are aligned with pro-development policies will help streamline regulations and reduce bureaucratic red tape, making it easier for builders to bring new projects to life.

In addition to property taxes and land use regulations, many other legislative decisions influence the real estate industry, including environmental regulations, state investments and housing initiatives. When we vote, we have the power to choose representatives who prioritize housing issues and actively work to bring solutions to Wisconsin. 

Essential information and resources

Before each election, the WRA provides you with valuable information about the elections and candidates running so you can be an informed voter. In previous issues of this magazine, we have printed articles discussing important districts to watch in both the Assembly and Senate. 

Additionally, over the past few months, the WRA advocacy team has conducted interviews with new candidates in non-incumbent districts and made endorsements where applicable. If you currently live within one of these areas, you should have received our candidate endorsement letter with information about who the candidate is and why we think they are a good choice for real estate. 

We are putting the finishing touches on the 2024 Voter Guide, a helpful document exclusive to members that highlights the WRA endorsements in each district and includes a copy of the new Assembly and Senate maps. 

Finally, please make sure you are registered to vote! Visit www.myvote.wi.gov to register and find your polling place. The final date to register online is October 16, and the final day to pre-register in person is November 1. Election Day is November 5; polling places will open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m., and voters can register the day of with a valid ID and proof of residency. 

Please ensure you are registered, informed and ready to cast your vote for the candidate who will champion the needs of our industry and the well-being of Wisconsin residents. Together, we can make a significant impact on the direction of our state and ensure a thriving real estate market that works for everyone!

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