Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine: Real Satisfied

Real Satisfied

 Emily Zampardi  |    December 09, 2015
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Real estate is rapidly becoming an increasingly paperless business. Communication, business, marketing, you name it — so much of it is done online now! And the same goes for your potential clients — they are definitely looking for homes (and a REALTOR®) online. But, did you know that only 10 percent of consumers actually find their agent online? And an overwhelming majority of buyers and sellers select their real estate agent through a recommendation from a family member or acquaintance. This means that your current and past clients are your biggest and most effective tool for generating new business. Are you doing everything you can to leverage this tool to your advantage?

Statistics show that unhappy customers are twice as likely to share their experiences with others. One way to ensure that your clients are spreading the word in your favor is to make sure they are happy with the service they are receiving from you. But how can you know if you are meeting (and hopefully exceeding) your clients’ needs without a tool to measure their satisfaction?

That’s where Real Satisfied comes in. This comprehensive online survey tool designed specifically for real estate professionals provides your clients with detailed and specific questions to gather incredibly useful feedback. Ratings and reviews can only provide you with limited information about your overall performance. When your client completes a Real Satisfied survey, you will have a complete, overall picture of their experience that will allow you to address issues before they cause damage to your brand, recognize areas where you could improve and (perhaps most importantly) properly respond to any disgruntled clients to “smooth” things over so that the story they tell their friends is a positive one.

Sending the surveys is super simple thanks to Real Satisfied’s automated survey invitation system. You will even have the opportunity to “test drive” the process by sending yourself a sample survey so you can get a feel for what your clients will go through. Once a client has completed a survey, you receive a notification as well as an easy way to thank them — you can send a Starbucks coffee gift card with the click of a button! Reporting software provides insights into survey results that you can view in your dashboard at any time. If your client has opted to leave a testimonial, you can instantly share that to your social media profiles.

Real Satisfied is free for agents to use, but the free version only allows three client testimonials. After that, if you want to make use of unlimited testimonials, the cost to upgrade to the Agent PRO plan is $99/year. There is also a package available for brokers (Broker PRO) for $50/month.

Learn more or sign up for your free account at www.realsatisfied.com.

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