Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine: Your Personalized Magazine for Your Tablet

Your Personalized Magazine for Your Tablet

 Amy Chorew  |    February 03, 2012

 One of the richest experiences I've had with my iPad is browsing news sites, articles, blogs and of course social media sites. There are some really great apps to help you make sense of all the information you like to browse. One of my favorites is Zite Personalized Magazine.

Zite's tagline is “a personalized magazine that gets smarter as you use it.” Zite is available for iPad and also now available for your iPhone and Touchpad.

You can download Zite for free here. Choose from hundreds of topics you’re interested in or start with the plain, vanilla version of the magazine. You can even pull in your Twitter or Google feed. You rate every story with a thumbs up or down, and you can request more of the same — this helps Zite do something pretty amazing. Zite learns from what you read every day: it tracks article topics, amount of time reading articles and article detail. Zite then suggests more of the same. Brilliant!

It really does get smarter the more you use it!

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