Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine: Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation Thank You!

Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation Thank You!

 August 09, 2021
Wisconsin Realtors Foundation

The Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation (WRF) raised more than 56,000 meals during Team Up Against Hunger week held June 14-20, 2021! With your help, we exceeded our goal of 45,000 meals to help Wisconsin’s children who rely on school-provided meals while they are out of school for the summer.

The WRF thanks the following participants:

Peggy Ausloos
Jane Bechtel
Faye Becker
Jordan Bishop
Sandy Bolgrihn
Mary Jo Bowe
James Buck
LuAnn Butkiewicz
Derrick Capra
Valerie Cohn-Gehrke
Debbi Conrad
Greg Dallaire
Robert Denniston
Alberta Dhillon
Denny DiSalvo
Kassandra Dixon
Frank Flynn
Katherine Ford
Daniel Foytik
Jessica Friedericks
Jenna Galegher
Mary Gandolfo
Michelle Germain
Brandon Grosse
Paula Hall
Jere Hendrickson
Gail Howard
Courtney Johnson
Bruce King
Kevin King
Glena Kojis
Susan Koutsios
Julie Kowalski
Heidi Krenz-Buchanan
Colleen Kuchta
Kitty Kuhl
Cori Lamont
Stephanie Larson
Thomas Larson
Rita Leichtle
Eric Lenz
Patricia Libke
Barbara Lundberg
Jody Marr
Kim Marty
Sonya Mays
Nicole Meacham Ahlborg
Jill Meier
Shannon Melloy
Dennis Midthun
Jeremy Moe
Jean Moore
Thomas Moore
Kathy Mortl
Joe Murray
Laurie Newhouse
Lauren Nobbe
Cynthia O’Brien
Jennifer Oefstedahl
Clint Otto
Kathleen Paramore
Mark Person
Connie Poggensee
Colleen Prostek
Melissa Pups
Paul Quick 
Nancy Resto
Paul Richert
Erna Russert
Rob Rybarczyk
Annie Sadler
Thomas Sanford
Barbara Schmidt
Lynn Schwarm
Matt Seegert
Michael Sewell
Barbara Shannon
Barbara Simonis
Nancy Smith
Jeffrey Smyth
Mike Spranger
Courtney Stefaniak 
Ryan Stefaniak
Amy Stelk
Sutten Stephan
Kelly Sweeney
Pat Tasker
Peggy Terry
Michael Theo
Deborah Vesling
Julie Walber
Marie Zellmer

And a special thanks to:

Greater Northwoods MLS

Upcoming WRF Events

September 17, 2021: Hunger Action Day

Help food banks feed more children during the biggest hunger awareness day across the country.

October 5, 2021: Backpack Meal-building Challenge

During the 2021 WRA Annual Convention in Milwaukee, compete against fellow REALTORS® in a race against the clock assembling backpack meal kits for kids! Start building your team now.

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