Wisconsin REALTORS® Association: Navigating Discrimination in Fairhaven

Navigating Discrimination in Fairhaven

 Debbi Conrad, WRA Senior Attorney and Director of Legal Affairs  |    April 01, 2024

In 2020, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) adopted a new Fair Housing Action Plan, abbreviated “ACT,” to emphasize (A)ccountability, (C)ulture Change and (T)raining in order to ensure REALTORS® do everything possible to protect housing rights in America. ACT prioritizes innovative, engaging fair housing training that is grounded in storytelling and experiential learning. 

As part of the ACT training initiative, NAR launched Fairhaven, a fair housing simulation training for REALTORS® that uses the power of storytelling to help members learn to identify, prevent and address discriminatory practices in real estate. Inspired by real stories, this innovative online experience has agents work against the clock to sell homes in the fictional town of Fairhaven, while confronting discrimination in the homebuying process. The interactive platform also allows members to walk in the shoes of a homebuyer facing discrimination. The training also provides customized feedback that can be applied to daily business interactions. Members identify, prevent and address discriminatory practices in real estate in order to “close” the Fairhaven real estate transactions.

When a REALTOR® embarks upon the Fairhaven journey, their job is to sell four homes in six months while adhering to fair housing principles. In the enchanting, fictional town of Fairhaven, agents must choose how to respond to various sticky fair housing discrimination situations in real estate to close the deals. In Fairhaven, agents are placed in situations involving race, accessibility, disability, illegal steering, gender identity, language barriers, reasonable accommodations and other fair housing problems. You will meet the seller who doesn’t want to sell to Blacks, the condominium association board that is refusing a ramp for wheelchair users, and the buyer’s agent who doesn’t provide fair and equal service to a gay couple, among others. We would love to say more but do not want to give too much away!

As agents work through the various scenarios, they confront discrimination and successfully make the sale if they make the correct choices to protect the rights of the parties and convince everyone to abide by fair housing principles. If not, they will be presented with additional situations to work through, learning valuable lessons along the way. 

Fairhaven is a distinctly effective fair housing teaching tool because you are placed in immersive situations where you practice what to do if you encounter discrimination. You learn fair housing discrimination problem-solving skills. It also builds empathy for buyers who experience discrimination. You see the world from a different perspective and learn how cruel and hurtful discrimination can be in real people’s lives. That being said, Fairhaven is also an entertaining and captivating learning experience. Some even say it is fun!

Fairhaven will give you a different and better appreciation of fair housing issues and the impact of discrimination as opposed to traditional fair housing coursework. The simulations are engaging and force you to think. Your trip to Fairhaven will be rewarding and well worth the excursion.

Wisconsin Fairhaven graduates

At www.wra.org/Fairhaven, you can learn more about Fairhaven and access a list of Wisconsin REALTORS® who have individually completed Fairhaven training. 

The WRA is committed to enhancing the fair housing knowledge of WRA members as well as boosting their ability to promote fairness and stand against real estate discrimination in all forms. Accordingly, the WRA recommends that all members engage in this interactive training and is proud of those who have accomplished this mission!

Start your journey into Fairhaven

Visit Fairhaven at fairhaven.realtor. Once you log in and begin, the total program generally takes 60-100 minutes to complete. You also have the ability to pause and save your progress and log on again later when you have the time. 

Learn more

January 2021 Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine article: “A Visit to the Mythical Fairhaven: Looking at fair housing through a different lens

Watch the WRA’s Legal Update Live Episode 11: “Fair Housing and Fairhaven,” and and hear from Alexia Smokler, NAR’s senior policy representative on fair housing and the project manager of Fairhaven. Alexia provides a short demonstration of Fairhaven so you get a sneak peek into this wonderful program.

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