Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine: A Message from the President with Mike Theo: It's About More than Just Sales

A Message from the President with Mike Theo: It's About More than Just Sales

 Mike Theo  |    April 03, 2014

In focus groups across the state last year, REALTORS® expressed concern that their public perception is that of transaction-centric individuals more concerned with commissions than their communities. Such a perception is as damaging to our profession as it is false. Anyone who has spent time around any REALTOR® is aware that their devotion and commitment to improving their communities is unquestionable and unmatched. For REALTORS®, it’s always been about more than just sales.

In February 2014, we surveyed REALTORS® around the state to probe this concept of community involvement, and what we found was an even greater degree of community activism than we expected. To begin with, most REALTORS® have lived in their communities for some time. In fact, nearly three-quarters of them have lived in the community in which they work for over 15 years. Almost 85 percent have lived in their current communities for 11 or more years. That’s what I’d call putting down roots!

And REALTORS® live in all kinds of communities — with about a third living in suburban areas (36 percent), about a third in rural areas (34 percent) and about a third in urban areas (28 percent). 

When asked to describe the level of engagement with issues and activities in their communities, two-thirds (66 percent) said they were either very or somewhat active. Another 24 percent said they were active, but not too active. What constitutes “active”?

Thirteen percent of our members say they spend more than 10 hours a month in volunteer time in their communities. Another 23 percent invest between five and 10 hours in community involvement a month, and another 23 percent spend between two and four hours per month. This means that more than 11,000 REALTORS® contribute more than 44,000 hours a month helping make their communities a better place. That’s more than half a million hours a year!

The diversity of activities in their community was equally impressive, with REALTORS® involved in:

  • Local business organizations like chambers of commerce or economic development groups (48 percent). 
  • Civic groups like the YMCA, Scouting, Rotary or Elks (34 percent).
  • Causes surrounding veterans, homelessness, hunger, seniors or domestic abuse (34 percent).
  • School activities such as the PTA, volunteer work or helping with sports (33 percent).
  • Arts and entertainment causes like theater, art galleries, museums or special local events (27 percent). 
  • Health-related causes such as cancer and diabetes research, local hospitals or drug abuse centers (19 percent). 

What is clear is that REALTORS® care about the quality of life of their communities and are willing to devote their personal time and energies to local causes that enhance that quality of life — for themselves and their neighbors. It is truly about much more than commissions for REALTORS®; it’s truly about communities.

Over the past several months, we have conducted survey research of both consumers and REALTORS® in Wisconsin. The combined data has reinforced several major themes from last year’s strategic plan, namely that we should focus on strengthening our economy and our communities. In the months ahead, you’ll hear our plans on how to do just that. Look for a renewed and re-energized statewide REALTOR® Foundation — one which will, with your help, support important causes and research that make our communities stronger and improve the lives of our neighbors. Look for the REALTOR® in the Community column in future issues of Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine to read about a specific REALTOR® and their story. Look for new outreach efforts to members, media and opinion leaders about the important role real estate plays in growing our state and local economies and how individual families benefit. And finally, look for an aggressive pro-housing, pro-real estate, pro-economic growth policy agenda throughout this important election season and the new legislative session that follows in 2015-16. 

The success of all of this however, will depend on you — on your personal engagement, support and commitment. Our association cares about its members, and our members care about their communities. It’s time to connect the dots and align our efforts so that we all succeed. Stay tuned.

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