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4801 Forest Run Road, Suite 201
Madison, WI 53704-7337
Empower your journey by joining the most trusted organization in Wisconsin real estate. Access to thousands of like-minded professionals as well as member-exclusive resources is just a click away. Find out which WRA membership option is right for you.
From a legal hotline to exclusive training to access to thousands of like-minded professionals, a WRA REALTOR® membership is vital to your real estate success. REALTOR® membership begins at the local association. As the most common WRA membership type, this membership provides the full slate of all WRA benefits available to support all facets of your real estate business. Consider this membership if you are a practicing real estate licensee in Wisconsin.
Designed for all things legal, a legal membership keeps you up to speed in all things related to Wisconsin real estate law. Legal section membership begins with the WRA. This membership gives you unlimited access to real estate attorneys as well as thousands of online resources related to real estate law. Consider this membership if you are a practicing attorney seeking deeper insight into Wisconsin real estate law.
With a focus on networking and professional contacts, an affiliate membership is key to establishing robust real estate-related connections. Affiliate membership begins at the local association. This membership allows you to be part of the most extensive network of real estate professionals in Wisconsin. Consider this membership type if you have interests related to the Wisconsin real estate industry but do not actively practice real estate.