Wisconsin REALTORS® Association

Renewing an Expired License

  • What is an expired license?

    When a licensee does not renew their license on time, it expires and becomes inactive. Licensees who do not have an active license cannot practice real estate per Wis. Stat. § 452.12(5)(b) until the license is renewed.

  • How long can a license remain inactive?

    Licensees can stay inactive for up to five years without taking pre-license education and passing the license examination.

  • What is the process for reactivating an inactive license?

    Licensees can activate their license by completing the CE from the previous biennium and paying the license renewal fees and late fee. Evidence of previous biennium CE completion along with the appropriate renewal fee must be provided to the DSPS. If you took CE with the WRA, you can print completion certificates by accessing your education history in myWRA. Brokers can also use myWRA to verify agents' CE progress.

  • What are the 2019-20 Wisconsin real estate CE requirements?

    To maintain real estate licenses in the state of Wisconsin, real estate licensees must complete 18 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years. The 18 hours must include completion of 3 hours for each of the 6 required course topics listed below. There are no longer elective courses as part of the 18 required hours. 2019-20 CE courses (all six required)

    • Course 1: Wisconsin Listing Contracts
    • Course 2: Wisconsin Offers to Purchase
    • Course 3: Wisconsin New Developments
    • Course 4: Wisconsin Real Estate Ethics and Consumer Protection (includes the NAR Code of Ethics)
    • Course 5: Wisconsin Real Estate Law and Practice
    • Course 6: Wisconsin Real Estate Transactions

  • Is my license renewed once I complete the CE courses?

    No, taking your CE is not enough to renew your license. To maintain your license, you must complete the required CE and renew your license with the Wisconsin DSPS every two years by December 14 of the even-numbered year.

  • Can I renew my WRA membership to renew my license?

    No. Renewing your license is a separate process from renewing your REALTOR® membership. You renew your license with the Wisconsin DSPS, a separate entity from your local REALTOR® association. The WRA cannot renew your real estate license for you.

Buy 2019-20 CE Now

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